Photovoltaic Power Systems
AmpXR is a design-build contractor in Kansas and Missouri specializing in photovoltaic solar power systems. Our designs are customized to fit the needs of the client and blend in with the job site. Solar modules are roof-top mounted or attached to free-standing pergolas, porch arbors, or shade structures for parking. All systems are designed and constructed by a NABCEP Certified PV Installation Professional. Structural design and permitting is accomplished by a licensed Professional Engineer. We design grid-tied and stand alone systems for residential and commercial occupancies. Other custom products include portable solar powered electric generators and home energy management systems.
For a consultation and pricing, contact
Mike McMahon
Phone: 913-387-9474
To Request a Cost estimate
Since all of our cost estimates are customized for the project, we require pertinent project information in advance. Please send the following information in an email to
1. Your Name:
2. Your email address:
3. Your Project Address:
4. Are you the Home Owner, Renter, or Business Owner at the project address?
5. What is your electrical usage for several billing cycles (1-2 years is best)? Provide your answer as kWh/month (preferred) or Dollars/month.
6. What type of furnace do you have, gas or electric?
7. At which locations on your property would you prefer to locate solar power (roof or ground mounted)?
AmpXR Imposed Rules for Cost Estimates:
1. AmpXR, LLC does business only in Kansas and Missouri.
2. The solar power systems on this web site are furnished as examples of past work. Pricing for these systems will not be furnished.
3. When a cost estimate is provided, it will be the result of preliminary design and it will be customized for the actual installation site.
4. The check-out and shopping cart procedures on this website are disabled. Placing items in the Shopping Cart or Check-out on this web site will not result in a cost estimate being furnished or an order being placed.